Saturday, February 1, 2020

Question 2. Standardized Testing of Students Essay

Question 2. Standardized Testing of Students - Essay Example Without a doubt, this uniform and consistent system of assessment has now become an indispensable and requisite part of most of the schools, colleges and universities all over the globe. These educational institutions therefore, spend millions of dollars every twelve months on this system wide testing of their students to judge them in all possible aspects and assist them in overcoming their faults and flaws (Sacks, 12). Initially there were only a few educational institutions that were adopting the special standardized system of assessments (Heller, 152). However with the rapid pace of time and the excessive competitiveness in the world a number of agencies have been developed that are conducting these tests. Some of the most prominent evaluation agencies of the world are named as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Educational Testing Service (ETC), National Council on Educational Standards and Testing (NCEST) and many more widespread all over the world. These a gencies have great expertise in their tasks and are highly professional in conducting the testing methods and practices. This standardized system of evaluating the students was basically introduced for the purpose of shaping the learners so that they get pretty much suitable for the remediation. In addition, this system has therefore gained so much in popularity that renowned educational institutions have started adopting this system. The reason behind this excessive adaptation is the fact that people have widely developed so much trust factor on these testing service agencies. The trust factor is developed because these agencies are well reputed, rated and most importantly known for their unbiased attitude. They treat all students with complete justice and make sure that no unbiased practice exists within their system. Thus all this results in a positive outcome that all the students are objectively judged and evaluated that ultimately lend them a hand to improve on their mistakes. No matter these testing systems are really authentic and bonafide but the question arises that, why do the school, colleges and universities pay so much to get these external services rather than conducting the tests within their management. The reason behind this statement is that these agencies not simply conduct the evaluative assessments but also provide countless benefits to the institutes that hire these agencies. Some major pros of these standardized tests can be highlighted as they are greatly efficient and effective to provide two most important sources of information. These information sources that include the standardized system can bring into play as to weigh up the student’s potential, capability, competence and aptitude towards his or her studies. In turn all these evaluations will lend a hand to the student and institute in order to endow with enhanced or improved teaching, responsibility, and the control (Hamilton et al, 3). Moreover, it also encompasses the piece of evidence that this information can even be used in order to make a number of important and imperative decisions. In addition, the overall focus of these harmonized and uniform tests revolve around her universal and collective nature. It is devised or proposed to the students in a common mode for the reason that the management and admin do not become erratic or capricious in reflecting the complete performance of the students. Thus, all these controlled and calculative variables escort to an

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